Yes, I had my surgery. I guess I had two for one! lol :o) Instead of having just the 3 holes/slits, I woke up to 5! :o) Before surgery I did tell him to take care of anything else he might find in there! :o) So he did! lol He told me that he took out my stones and gulbladder, that he had seen that I had also a pretty bad case of adhesions in there from a previouse surgery. Wow! That's been around 27 years ago! Those are painful as well! Whew! I thanked him. That as well could have contributed to alot of my pain in that regin. Of course, I do have pictures of all of my 'punctures.' I just have to upload them onto the the computer. :o) I wonder if I can just hook up the camera and get them like that? I'm going to try this! :o) Hold on......Not this time, my mind is just way too 'mushy' still to think that hard! lol :o)
There is 17 more days left until my daughter has her baby! YAY! She's still doing great! The baby has dropped and she's hudge! lol Too cute! I have pictures of her too, just still on the camera. :o)
{-exhaling-} Since I've been really stuck in my bed sick and/or healing, I've nothing to do except to think. Look at the 4 walls and think. when able to get able to get up and walk around the house, then I am able to look at those walls as well too. Looking out my windows makes my walking around the house so much better. Yay! I mean, this is my life. I'm not at all complaining. I'm trying to explain how I am and why. I honestly mean Yay when I say that when I am able to look out a window. :o) In my bedroom I have an airconditioner in my window. I guess during the day I could pull the blinds up. {duh} I've made this room into my sitting room now and I just love it! So if and when I get company, I have a place to sit and talk. :o) So far it's been my aide, my nurse and I. :o) My life has changed! And you know, I'm not going to change it! :o) I like it and I've excepted that I can't go back to the way it was a few years ago. :o) And slowly but surely, others are finally realizing this! :o) Realizing my changes over the past few years, getting upset at me telling me that I've changed, well yes I have. :o) What happens if all of the sudden someone goes fromm walking with 2 legs and then the next day they are in a wheel chair, But are the same person just in a wheel chair? The difference with me is I had to get used to these walls. :o) Now I have. :o) I'm still me though. I'm still me. :o)
My computer has finally been fixed! YAAY! :o) I'm not using it yet because I'm going to put it in my bedroom. This one is going to stay out here for everyone else to use. I really want to keep mine in good condition and if anything ever happens to it again, then I'll know I'm the one that did it. Instead of trying to figure out where everyone went and that long and drug out stuff.
Well, I do need to go. Fingers are hurting. Hope that all are alright and doing well. :o) God bless you all! :o)
Wishing you a speedy recovery my friend...will be praying for you was good to hear from you...wishing you a blessed New Year! TerryAnn
Hello Lisa,
I MISSED YOU! I am sorry about your discomfort, and my wife, Sharon, has had open heart surgery last year and more a few months ago.
How/ what kind of tests can I have to make sure that I have Fibromyalgia? I have serious arthritis in knees and spine at age 61. God is my main source of relief and HEAVEN IS MY HOME.
Warm Regards,
Tom Schuckman
Disabled Vietnam Veteran: 68-70
Lisa, It was great to hear from you again. I have thought of you many times. Sorry about your surgery and other new problems. I wonder if you read my mind I sure have been missing you lately.
I have my own problems but no new ones. Still my back and my neck and pain. I try to not let it keep me from living a nomal life, because one day I KNOW I won't be able to. But some days are harder than others, as you know. Take Care, I'll write again soon. Merry
You sound so upbeat. I hope you stay that way and that life becomes more liveable and happy for you. Take care Lisa!
Yay! So glad to hear from you, Lisa, and know you are still struggling even if it is in a wheel chair! Glad you finally got the surgery over with you have been waiting for. And now you can sit back and enjoy the new baby coming more! Will be back for pics. So GLAD to hear from you, Lisa! It did my heart good to see your message today to come to your blog.
Hi Lisa! I haven't been by for awhile. I'm glad you had your surgery and are feeling better. I didn't know you are expecting a new Grandchild! Congrats!
Take care and post again soon.
Glad your surgery went well, and I know you must be really excited about that new grandbaby! It's good to see a post from you. Hope to see another one soon.
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