Good Afternoon all! Hoping that everyone is doing/feeling great! :o)
I've been wanting to write alot sooner but once again my life has taken another turn. Since last winter, I've had this very hard 'band' located in my upper stomach area. If I were to lay on my stomach, I would 'teeter.' I knew this wasn't right and did let my nurse practitioner know about this. I would show her and had her push on it to see why it was like this. She told me that, "I can't expect to have the body of a 20 year old at my age and that I was going through menopuase!" Not true! I went through that when I was 23 and I don't care what I look like, I just knew that something was very wrong. I had a lump and some pain. But since 'she' couldn't 'feel' it, then that was her diagnosis! I never liked her because I felt I wasn't getting the proper care. I finally have been able to change doctors. This new doctor comes to my home. Boy do I like that. :o) There have been alot more dealings with her that I'm not going to talk about, but has taken around 3 months! gggrrr! My new doctor came and gave me a good check and noticed right away that my stomach wasn't right. I have just been starting to feel some light pain. {remember certain places of my body is numb from the MS} This hardness had also started my upper body to grow/go to the left! I look deformed! I also had an appointment to see my sleep/pulminary doctor 3 weeks ago. He noticed it as well. He ordered an ultra sound. Well, it showed that my gullbladder was full of very large stones! Everyone was asking me if I had ever had pain prior to this. No. The doctors say that this is at the last point for it to be this way...{for lack of a better term}. Anyway, when the new doctor was here on Tuesday, he right away pushed right on my pains. I about come out of my chair! LOL Yep, I felt pain then! :o) He asked if I had a phone book handy, which I did, and I gave it to him. He right away called the surgens office here in town. He told them that it has to all come out asap! The appointment was for December 1st, but it was later changed to the very same day to 3:30! I went in and the surgen wanted one more test to know what all else has/or if been damaged in there. So...I had to drink that barrium crap ~ick~ and go in yesturday for a ct scan. So now I'm waiting until Monday to see when I get admited for surgery. I really like this new docotor, he's right on top of things! :o)
I've been also carrying a fever as well, but I'm not sure if it goes with that or the h1n1 shot I was able to get 2 weeks ago. My nures says its from my gullbladder. She's always been right on everything else, so I suppose I'll listen to her. LOL
I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving! :o) I sure did! :o) My sister and mom came over as well as my daughter and her cute little family. :o) I'm so very thankful for having them! I ate a bit, then did nothing but watch my grandsons at 'work!" LOL I was laughing so hard! It was great! And soon I'll have another grandbaby! :o) Just can't wait! This one will be her last one I think. Now I have to wait on my son to get married and have children! :o)
This is something that I find very humbling;
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord and shun evil.
This will bring health to your
body and nourisment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:7-8 {NIV}
So very true! :o)
I'm going for now. In hopes that you all will be fine and God bless you!
Lisa will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for good results from your surgery. My goodness you have so much on your platter dear, but proud of you for hanging in there and going forward. Know the new baby will be a delight to you dear. Bless you.
Hi Lisa I guess by now you have had your surgery I hope you are doing well and the pain has gotten better. I know you can't hardly wait for the new grand baby they are so sweet. You take care, jean
Hi Lisa I guess by now you have had your surgery I hope you are doing well and the pain has gotten better. I know you can't hardly wait for the new grand baby they are so sweet. You take care, jean
Hi Lisa I guess by now you have had your surgery I hope you are doing well and the pain has gotten better. I know you can't hardly wait for the new grand baby they are so sweet. You take care, jean
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