Hello thank you for droping in for a read. You'll find that "What you see is what you get!" I've been diagnosed with MS March 2007, Fibromyalgia March 2004, Congestive heart failure, Epilepsy (myoclonic siezures)Ostioporosis, Ostioarthritis, Tumors on my spine and more. I've been trying to figure my way around this new blogg. :o) Bare with me! I do have my ups and downs dealing with what I have medically. So, ride this rollor coster with me. And hang on, here we go!
Thanks for sharing the piictures of your grandson and you dancing. Hope that didn't add to your pain dear. Take care.
dear lisa, haven't heard from you in sooo long. you know i don't get your blog updates...haven't since coming to bloggerville. PLEASE email me update alerts when you post & i'll come visit (if i can).
pics are adorable. :)
prayers for you dear, hoping all is ok.
huggies & God bless...
And he will alwys have that memory of Grandma dancing with him. So cute. Gerry
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